November 5, 2022 Four Team

FOUR the Ultimate O2O Marketing Solution

Connect Online & Offline with FOUR

O2O Marketing is challenge for many brands but FOUR has the answer.

We bridge the gap between the online marketing world and the offline marketing world. It may seem like a dream solution but FOUR‘s versatility allows you to use your FOUR across all marketing materials such as clothing, posters, leaflets, business cards, product labelling and pretty much anywhere you can put four letters with colour.

O2O Marketing often refers to getting customers from online platforms to go and buy at a brick and mortar shop, however with FOUR, you are not limited to that one direction of traffic. Using a FOUR, you can market your products and services with offline materials to capture leads and convert sales back through your online platforms. This opens up a whole new world of marketing opportunities and even we believe there are limitless options here.

When you buy your FOUR, it is yours for life, meaning all the budget you invest in offline promotional materials that feature your FOUR can be repurposed simply by changing the link that our interface directs your users to. Additionally the value you build into your FOUR through your marketing activities will make your FOUR a more valuable asset so in the future if you wish to trade it, the added value through investing marketing budget can potentially be recouped if you ever decide to trade.

Try incorporating a FOUR into your O2O marketing strategy today to create a more layered and engaging campaign, go to and buy one now:

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Make your own human readable QR codes.
It's quick, easy and FREE!

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