Here is how to make your own human readable QR code.

It’s quick and easy:

1.Type a word or any combination of letters, numbers and characters into the input box on the homepage of this website.


2. Choose the colour of each letter. Each one can be either red green blue or yellow.


3. Click Go.

If no one owns your combination, you will be given the option to buy it or try it for free.
(We call each unique combination a FOUR as it is made up of 4 possible colours )

4. Set what URL you want it to point to when it is scanned or typed in at or set this later.

Congratulations you have just created your own unique human readable QR code.

You will receive an email containing the images of your new FOUR and it’s all ready for you to use.

Use the images to display your FOUR online or in the real world.

Then when anyone sees your FOUR, they can either scan it or type it in at and will be redirected to the web page you have set it to point to.

Make your own human readable QR codes.
It's quick, easy and FREE!

[email protected]
